6 Numbers Game Cheats

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Apr 18th, 2018

Flash Cheats Games

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  1. Numbers at the end are values that you can change to anything you want.
  2. (note that going over maximum values may or may not lead to issues with the game)
  3. Player stat cheats:
  4. #looks
  5. #charm
  6. #strength
  7. #hacking
  8. #maximum endurance
  9. #current endurance
  10. #current lust
  11. #company favor
  12. girl name.rsm[0].affection_max = 100
  13. girl name.rsm[0].affection = 100
  14. girl name.rsm[0].love_max = 100
  15. girl name.rsm[0].love = 100
  16. girl name.rsm[0].favor = 100
  17. girl name.lust = 100
  18. girl name.rsm[0].anger = 0
  19. Also possible to change endurance and strength, but these have no known effects on gameplay.
  20. Poker game cheats:
  21. #girl's chips
  22. #player's chips
  23. player.add_item('item name', quantity)
  24. change 'item name' to items name, but keep the quotation marks.
  25. player.add_item('blue pill', 1)
  26. player.add_item('green pill', 1)
  27. player.add_item('sperm(eh) vial', 1)
6 Numbers Game Cheats

Pc Game Cheats And Hints

6 Numbers Game Cheat